Ca’ Pasquin

Ca’ Pasquin

Agriturismo Ca’ Pasquin

Ca ' Pasquin is a small-scale Agriturismo in the hills of the Langa Astigiana in Piemonte, northwestern Italy. From Ca' Pasquin you look out on rolling hills and the idyllic village of Roccaverano. On a clear day you can see the Alps from the Monviso ( IT) to the Matterhorn (CH). At the end of 2023 we opened with three apartments.

Twelve acres
At Ca' Pasquin we grow different vegetables, fruits and herbs. There are also a number of animals: cats, three big kind dogs (Maremmano Abruzzese), rabbits and chickens. We have planted many fruit trees and perennials in addition to the many cherry, elderflower, apple and plum trees that were already here. We try to restore the site with the help of old photos and local information.

The place
In 2022 zijn wij – Femke en Bart plus onze twee kinderen, Luca (6) en Nero (3) – hier neergestreken. Beiden met een enorme liefde voor alles wat met goed eten en drinken te maken heeft, wilden we graag in het hart van waar al het goede vandaan komt wonen. Bijna twee jaar hebben we gebruikt om de eerste gedeeltes van de boerderij op te knappen. Ons woonhuis en de drie bestaande appartementen zijn volledig gerenoveerd. De oude stal hebben we omgebouwd tot appartement “Il Rifugio”. Vanaf de zomer 2024 hebben we een ruim opzetzwembad waar je heerlijk in kunt afkoelen. We zijn  even bezig geweest met een plek vinden en erna maken tot een bestemming waar wij zelf ook graag naar toe zouden willen gaan om vakantie te vieren, en volgens ons is dat gelukt!

We have plenty of woods where you can wander and explore, open fields where the many views will amaze you and you are completely absorbed in the tranquility of the area. We are committed to increasing biodiversity and allowing nature to take its course as much as possible. There are deer, wild boar and badgers around, but you can also find the fire salamander, slow worm and praying mantis (search carefully). In the spring it is full of protected wild orchids and other wild flowers. The bee and butterfly population is also growing steadily. The sunset is beautiful and on a clear night you can even see the Milky Way.

Plans for the future, yes there certainly are! We will use the coming years to renovate the remaining buildings and we want to restore the grounds and forest to their former glory.
Plans for the future, yes there are! We will use the coming years to renovate the remaining buildings and we want to restore the terrain and forest to its former glory.

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